2023 WMPSSDL Championship Meet - Team Scores

                              Girls - Team Scores                              
            Place School                                          Points
                1 The Holton-Arms School             HA              479.5
                2 St. Paul VI High School            PVI             213  
                3 Academy OF The Holy Cross          AHC             175  
                4 Bishop O'Connell                   DJO             166.5
                5 St. Andrew's Episcopal School      SAES            158  
                6 Potomac School Swim Team           POTO            147  
                6 Georgetown Visitation              VISI            147  
                8 National Cathedral School          NCS             143  
                9 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes          SSSA            121  
               10 Bishop Ireton High School          BI               94.5
               11 St. John's College High School     SJC              87  
               12 Stone Ridge                        SR               86  
               13 Elizabeth Seton Varsity Swimmi     SET              56  
               14 Maret School                       MAR              53  
               15 Bishop McNamara High School        BMHS             35  
               16 Ryken High School                  SMR              30  
               17 Flint Hill School                  FH               29.5
               18 Our Lady of Good Counsel           GC               27  
               19 Brookewood School                  BW               26  
               20 Bullis School                      BU               14  
               21 Holy Child                         HC               10  
               22 Sidwell Friends School             SID               8  
                              Boys - Team Scores                               
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Gonzaga College High School        GONZ            459  
                2 Georgetown Preparatory School      PREP            260  
                3 The Heights School (Hs)            HTSHS           248.5
                4 DeMatha Catholic High School       DEM             226.5
                5 St. Albans School                  STA             148  
                6 St. Paul VI High School            PVI             131.5
                7 Gds High School                    GDSHS           124  
                7 Bishop O'Connell                   DJO             124  
                9 Flint Hill School                  FH              108  
               10 Landon School Varsity Swimming     LS              106  
               11 Potomac School Swim Team           POTO             70  
               12 Saint Anselm's Abbey School        ANS              62  
               13 St. Stephen's & St. Agnes          SSSA             42  
               14 Bishop Ireton High School          BI               40  
               15 St. Andrew's Episcopal School      SAES             32  
               16 Maret School                       MAR              31  
               16 Ryken High School                  SMR              31  
               18 St. John's College High School     SJC              24  
               19 Bullis School                      BU               22.5
               20 Bishop McNamara High School        BMHS             16  
               21 Our Lady of Good Counsel           GC                3  
               22 Sidwell Friends School             SID               2  


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